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Apartment Complex Shootings and Premises Liability Law

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Apartment Complex Shootings and Premises Liability Law

Apartment Complex Shootings and Premises Liability Law

After losing a relative or partner to gun violence in your own apartment, you likely want to hold every single person involved accountable. In addition to the shooter, the property owner may be to blame. While Georgia landlords aren’t automatically responsible for injuries that occur on their properties due to third-party criminal activity, you might still be able to sue if poor security measures enabled the shooting to occur in the first place.

The experienced personal injury attorneys at The Musgrove Trial Firm in Norcross, GA are ready to take on your case regarding negligent security claims. If you or a loved one is ever injured in a Norcross or Metro Atlanta apartment complex shooting, give us a call: (678) 226-1994.

Learn more about negligent security claims below or contact us today for your free consultation.

What Is a Negligent Security Claim?

“Negligent security” is a type of premises liability claim in which the property owner failed to secure the premises from foreseeable threats, such as a burglar or shooter. For example, if someone is harmed in an apartment complex because of a shooting that would’ve been avoided with sufficient security measures, the landlord can be found negligent and held liable for the injury or death.

Requirements for a Negligent Security Claim in Georgia

In order to win a negligent security lawsuit, you’ll have to prove four main elements:

The Victim Was Lawfully Present on the Property

If the injured person lived at the apartment complex or you invited them into your apartment, this should be an easy question to answer.

The Property Owner Breached the Duty to Provide Adequate Security

Was a certain preventative measure absent or not working properly? Not locking your own door doesn’t count; you need to show that the landlord was missing something.

The Breach Caused the Victim’s Injury

Would the missing security feature have made all the difference? Double-check that you did everything you could to keep the shooter from entering your apartment.

The Victim Suffered Tangible Losses

With proper documentation, a gunshot injury or death won’t be difficult to prove. In addition to medical expenses, there’s also funeral costs, lost wages, emotional damages, and more.

Examples of Apartment Complex Security Measures

While expecting an apartment complex to be as impenetrable as a maximum-security prison isn’t realistic, the following may be considered reasonable precautions:

  • Adequate lighting or/and motion sensor lighting
  • Locks on all individual apartment doors and the apartment building door
  • Security cameras
  • Doors and windows kept in good repair
  • Fences or gates
  • A trained security guard

Contact The Musgrove Trial Firm if You Were Injured in an Apartment Complex Shooting

If better security could have prevented a shooting in your Metro Atlanta apartment, it’s time to bring your landlord to justice. Contact the personal injury lawyers at The Musgrove Trial Firm for the legal care you deserve. Schedule your free consultation with us today.