The Owner is Responsible For Dog & Animal Bites Injury
A personal injury lawsuit can be filed against the owner of a dog or other animal that has caused an injury to another person or animal. The owner is responsible for dog & animal bites injury if the owner failed to take reasonable care for the dog and did not maintain reasonable diligence in maintaining the dog’s health at all times. This means that the owner must have kept the animal on a leash and prevented it from running loose, the owner must have fed the dog on a regular schedule and must have taken care of the dog.
The owner of the dog or other animal can be held responsible for their actions. For example, if the owner failed to control the dog, the owner is liable for animal and dog bites injury. The owner could also be held responsible if they allowed the animal to roam free and the dog injured someone, or if the animal was stolen from them.
An animal can be considered to be owned by an individual when the animal is registered and held by an individual. If the animal is owned by a deceased individual, it is considered to be the owner’s legal responsibility to care for the animal. In addition to owning the animal, an individual can also own a company that breeds dogs and makes them available for sale. A person can also own a corporation that owns a warehouse where dogs are kept before being put for sale.
What To Do if Your Loved One Has Bitten?
What can you do if you or a loved one has been bitten by a dog? You should contact a lawyer Roswell to file a claim against the owner of the dog that bit you. The first step in filing a claim is determining who is responsible for the dog bite. If the dog bite is the owner’s fault, you can recover financial damages from them.
If you do not win your lawsuit against the owner of the dog, you may be able to collect compensation from the person that owned the dog at the time of the dog bite accident. This may be an animal owner, a landlord, a pet store, or another person that has a responsibility for the animal’s well-being. In order to obtain financial compensation, you must show that the owner of the dog knew that their dog was dangerous and did nothing to prevent the dog from biting you. You can recover monetary damages for an animal bite accident caused by negligence, reckless behavior, or intentional misconduct.
What can a person do if they have been the victim of a dog bite? You should call your local law enforcement agency to file a police report and then seek the advice of a personal injury attorney.
A lawyer should review the police report and advise you of your rights. If you were injured due to the negligence of someone else, they will file a civil lawsuit on your behalf. In many cases, a personal injury lawyer Norcross represents you even after you have recovered from your dog bite injury. Many victims of dog bites are often discouraged from seeking legal assistance because of the risk involved in pursuing a lawsuit against the individual responsible for the dog bite.
If you’re a victim of dog or animal bites you must receive compensations for the following claims:
- Physical pain and suffering
- Emotional pain and suffering
- Loss of past and future wages
- Past and future medical expenses
- And other related expenses
Taking the first step is the best start to ensure that the animal’s owner will make safety precautions to prevent unexpected animal attacks in the future.
Our team dog and animal bite attorney have the knowledge and experience to work for you and make your family get what you deserve.