Just like failure to diagnose, misdiagnosis is a type of medical malpractice that is actionable in court and may result in the payment of damages on the part of the injured patient. To define, misdiagnosis is the act of incorrectly diagnosing or assessing the medical condition of the patient, which, certainly, poses serious risks on the health of the patient. Of course, when a patient presents himself or herself to a doctor, he or she naturally expects and relies on the doctor’s expertise and knowledge. If this doctor incorrectly diagnoses the medical condition of the patient, and as a result, unnecessary injury is suffered, the doctor may be made to answer for the harm caused.

Common Causes of Misdiagnosis

Incorrectly diagnosing the medical condition of the patient occurs in different circumstances. The similarity lies in the fact that these various acts are attributable to the negligence or fault of the doctor or any medical practitioner handling the patient. Some of these common causes of misdiagnosis are:

  • Misreading laboratory results – These laboratory tests are a good measure to check what is going on within a person’s body, but these results need to be assessed carefully along with other factors, such as the medical history or lifestyle of the patient. When these results are not reviewed thoroughly, there can be an error in the diagnosis of the patient.
  • Failing to obtain the patient’s medical history – It is the responsibility of the doctor to ask about the patient’s prior health conditions, medications, and treatments, and to properly consider them in making a diagnosis. Without taking into consideration these relevant details regarding the patient, there is a risk of misdiagnosis.
  • Not referring the patient to a specialist – As we all know, there are many and varied medical fields. There are doctors who specialize in internal medicine, surgery, pathology, oncology, among many others. It is the duty of the handling doctor to refer the patient and his or her specific case to a colleague who is an expert in the field, depending on the particular condition of the patient, in order to avoid mistakes in diagnosing him or her.

Misdiagnosis Lawyer in Norcross GA

Medical malpractice cases involving misdiagnosis require the services of a qualified medical malpractice lawyer, especially if the circumstance involves making a reimbursement claim or claim for damages against a medical professional. This is because these medical practitioners, more often than not, will be backed up by the hospital and, most likely, its own attorney. As a patient, you, too, must be assisted by a lawyer, who is not only experienced in handling medical malpractice claims and cases, but who will also fervently fight for the interest of the client. 

This, precisely, is what Musgrove Trial Firm brings to the table. 

If you are in Atlanta or any of its surrounding areas and are in need of the expertise of a medical malpractice lawyer, Musgrove Trial Firm is here to offer its first-rate legal services. With years of experience and accumulated knowledge in medical malpractice and other personal injury claims and cases, Musgrove is the perfect option in Atlanta and nearby areas to assist you in a potential medical malpractice case involving misdiagnosis. 

We offer our services at the most competent rates.

Send us a message on our website or give us a call at (678) 226-1994 for immediate assistance.